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1."College English
" 2."2
Lead in
Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.
Key words and expressions: an ocean of information 3. a handy tool 4. communication 5. Google.com 6. for example 7. serve 8. communicate with 9. cloning technology 10. share 11. opinions on 12. post a query on BBS 13. enter a chatroom 14. millions of 15. take advantage of 16. program 17. predict 18. relics 19. as large a change as
Answers: ocean 20. handy 21. serve 22. communicate 23. post 24.
     chatroom 25. taking advantage of
" 26."3
Dialogue Sample
Listen to the dialogue 1

Key words and expressions: nickname 27. in English 28. chat with 29. talk to sb 30. a/s/l 31. location 32. male 33. New Mexico 34. not really 35. egg rolls 36. through the net 37. take it 38. too…to 39. GTG (Got To Go)
" 40."4
Reading A: Warm Up
1. How is learning made more convenient through the Internet?

2. Why does online education often cost less to the students than classroom-based education? Does it also save the college some money in the long run?

" 41."5
Reading A: Warm Up
Background information about the text:
Online education
Millions of people have rejected traditional education in favor of E-learning. And many universities have set up E-learning centers. Online-learning enrollments are growing 33 percent a year and are expected to hit 2.2 million by 2004.

" 42."6
Wages for teachers According to National Faculty Salary Survey in Private Four-Year Colleges and Universities(2000-01) 43. the highest-paying major field is Law 44. in which the overall average salary is $108 45.450. The other major fields in the top five are Public Health 46. $89 47.706; Financial Management and Services 48. $89 49.523; Chemical Engineering 50. $82 51.878; and Electrical 52. Electronics and Communications Engineering 53. $80 54.848. A wider salary survey by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) found a 3.5 percent increase in average salaries for faculty at public and private institutions.
" 55."7
Register for classes Students register their classes with the help of their teachers. They are encouraged to register early 56. as class sizes are usually limited to a certain number of students and are filled on a first-come 57. first-served basis. They may register through the mail 58. by phone/fax or in person at the Center. Today 59. it is widespread at colleges and universities to register through the Internet 60. so it is no longer a phenomenon that students stand in a long line waiting to register for classes at the registration center.
" 61."8
Online life It is certainly true that life online is inescapable. Colleges that have invested a great deal in online learning have often discovered that the extra work for the teachers has been more than they expected 62. and so have some of the financial costs thus far. However 63. online education is quite new 64. and in the future the author's optimistic predictions may all come true.
" 65."9
Reading A: Para 1-3
Para 1: Education plays a very important role in everybody's life. We go to school because we want to know more about the world around us and at the same time extend our horizons of thinking. The typical classroom used to be the place where teachers and students were working and exploring the wonderful world of knowledge together 66. but now everything has changed. Technology is taking over those interactions and introducing us to a whole new approach of learning.
" 67."10
play a role: to play a part in a play; take part in and make changes happen Examples: She plays the leading role in a television show. 她在一个电视剧中担任主角。 Does religion have a role to play in society today? 宗教在现代社会还有作用吗?
" 68."11
2. We go to school because we want to know more about the world around us and at the same time extend our horizons of thinking.
 We go to school because we want to know more about the world and at the same time learn to think more deeply and in wider background. 我们上学,因为我们希望了解周围得世界,同时开阔我们的视野。
" 69."12
3. extend: 1) (to cause ) to reach 70. stretch 71. continue; to add to in order to make bigger or longer
Examples: The forest extends in all directions as far as the eye can see. 森林朝四周延伸,一望无际。 We have planned to extend our publishing of children‘s books. 我们已计划扩展我们的少儿书的出版范围。
" 72."13
2) to offer or give
Examples: I should like to extend my thanks to you for your kindness. 我对你的善意表示感谢。 The bank has agreed to extend us money to buy our house. 银行已同意向我们发放购房贷款。
" 73."14
4. explore: to search and discover Examples: If I have time in the summer 74. I'd like to explore some of the less well-known area of the country. 如果我有时间,我想去国内不那么有名的地方去探险。 Let's explore this issue / question / topic / idea more fully. 让我们更充分地探讨这一问题/话题/观点。
" 75."15
5. Technology is taking over those interactions and introducing us to a whole new approach of learning.
 Technology is being used to communicate in learning 76. and leading us to a completely new method of learning. 先进的技术正逐步取代这些交互式的活动并给我们带来一种全新的学习方式。

" 77."16
6. take over: to take control of something Examples: This firm has taken over three companies this year.      这家公司今年已兼并了三家公司。 I've asked my assistant to take over preparing the reports.      我已要求我的助理接管准备报告的工作。
" 78."17
7. approach:
1) n. the way to deal with something
Since our research so far has not produced any answers to this problem 79. we need to adopt a different approach to it.
Michael is always very logical in his approach. 迈克在处理方法上总是很讲逻辑。
" 80."18
2) v. to deal with something Examples:
We needs to find the best way of approaching the problem.
我们需要找到处理这一问题的最佳方法。 I must tell him that I can't loan my few savings to him 81. but I don't know how to approach this topic.
" 82."19
Para 2: The Internet is one of those approaches. Learning via the Internet is a new style that many people believe is more successful than the conventional form of teaching. The Internet allows schools to develop a large amount of learning material that is accessible for students online anytime. There are so many choices of courses and subjects or time frames that completing a program is not an issue for students anymore. We found that online education gives us excellent sources of information 83. saves our time 84. money and it is extremely convenient.
" 85."20
8. accessible: easy to reach 86. get into 87. obtain 88. use 89. or talk to Examples: The resort is easily accessible by road 90. rail 91. and air. 这一胜地可经由公路、铁路和空中方便到达。 Storing customer details on computer makes them readily accessible. 将顾客信息储存在计算机中,查找非常容易。
" 92."21
9.There are so many choices of courses and subjects or time frames that completing a program is not an issue for students anymore.
 Students can choose from so many courses and subjects or schedules that it is no longer a problem for students to complete an educational program. 在网上,学生对各种课程和时间段有多种选择。因此,完成一项教育计划对学生而言就不再成为问题了。
" 93."22
Para 3: Not long ago we used to go to the library every time we needed information and spent hours searching for the right sources. Today there is a \"library\" in our house and it is available 24 hours a day. From my personal experience 94. as a first time mother 95. I found that using information online is very helpful. While I am at home with my baby 96. I am still able to connect to the world and search for any educational materials I need. I am also able to exchange thoughts 97. opinions and information with my classmates without leaving my house.
" 98."23
10. source: the place sth. comes from or start at 99. or the cause of sth. Examples:   Oranges are a good source of vitamin C.   桔子是维生素C的很好的来源。   Experts are trying to find /locate the source of the pollution in the water supply.   专家正在努力查找水污染的来源。
" 100."24
Reading A: Para 4-6
Para 4: The Internet is not only a big information provider but also saves us money and time. People are predicting that education will be much cheaper in the future because of Internet access to information. The cost of land 101. buildings and wages for teachers are continuously increasing and that makes conventional education more expensive than online education. In addition 102. regular courses (offline) depend heavily on books and other traditional paper-based materials while online education posts lectures 103. notes 104. and assignments electronically and that saves thousands of dollars every year. There is also no need for the classroom itself because most programs online require participation in discussion and group projects via e-mail.
" 105."25
11. In addition 106. regular courses (offline) depend heavily on books and other traditional paper-based materials while online education posts lectures 107. notes 108. and assignments electronically and that saves thousands of dollars every year. Besides 109. traditional courses depend heavily on books 110. notes 111. and other traditional materials in the form of paper; but online education can be done with the help of the Internet. In this way thousands of dollars can be saved every year. 此外,常规的(离线)课程,严重地依赖于书本和其它传统的印刷资料。然而,在线教育则通过电子手段来显示教师授课内容、学生笔记和布置作业,这样每年可以节约数千美元。
" 112."26
12. in addition (to): besides; furthermore; used when adding another fact to what has already mentioned Examples: The hotel itself can accommodate 80 guests 113. and in addition 114. there are several apartments. 宾馆本身可住80人,并且还有几套公寓套房。 In addition to apples you asked for 115. I bought you some oranges. 除了你要的苹果,我还买了桔子。
" 116."27
Para 5: The Internet classes and courses are also very convenient because there are no physical restrictions as in conventional education like space and time limitations. First 117. in classroom-based education there is a limitation on the number of students that are allowed in each class while Internet education is available to everyone because a classroom is not an issue there. Students don't have to struggle in order to register for the classes they like. In addition 118. there is no time limitation so students can repeat exercises as many times as they need.
" 119."28
13. issue: a subject or problem which people are thinking and talking about Examples: The need for more staff is not at issue 120. but finding suitable people has not been an easy job. 需要更多员工并不是问题,但是找到合适的人不是件简单的事。 Don't worry about who will do it-that's just a side issue. 不要担心谁来做这事――这只是一个次要问题。
" 121."29
Para 6: Education will spread out more and more online and students will have more choices on how and when to take their courses and classes. They will easily be able to take the classes they want and repeat material on the Internet as many times as they need. The Internet is a wonderful opportunity to have a good time but also to learn something in a convenient and less expensive way. In my opinion online life in the future is simply inescapable.
" 122."30
14. Education will spread out more and more online and students will have more choices on how and when to take their courses and classes.
 Education will be carried out more and more online. And students will have more choices to decide how and when to learn their courses and have their classes. 教育会越来越多地在网上推广开来。 在以什么方式和什么时间上课的问题上,学生们会有更多的选择。
" 123."31
15. spread out: to cover or stretch over a large area Examples: We spread the picnic rug out on the ground 124. and sat down to eat. 我们在地上铺开野餐垫子,坐下吃起来。 The suburbs spread out for miles to either side of the city. 郊区在城市的周边绵延数英里。
" 125."32
Exercises: Content Awareness
Part II Answer the following questions.
1.What characteristics are typical of the traditional classroom?
2. Why is completing a program no longer a problem for an online student?
3. How do online students interact with their classmates?
4. Are there any limitations for the students to register for an online course? Why or why not?
5. According to the author 126. what is the future of online education?
" 127."33
Exercises: Content Awareness
1. A typical conventional classroom was a room where teachers and students could work together in person 128. but without computers.
2. Because there are many choices of courses and subjects and time frames available.
3. They exchange thoughts 129. opinions and information with their classmates through the Internet.
4. There is no limitation on the number of students for an online course because the classroom is not an issue.
5. Education will spread out more and more online.
" 130."34
Part III Complete the following statements with the information you got from the passage.
1.Education helps us to know more about the world and extends our . 2. Online education is believed by the author to be more successful than . 3. We used to go to the library for information 131. but now we can and search for any material needed. 4. The Internet is not only 132. but also a money and time saver. 5. Internet education is more convenient because there are fewer restrictions such as .
" 133."35
1.horizons of thinking   
2.the conventional form of teaching / the classroom-based one   
3.connect to the world / Internet   
4.an information provider   
5.time and space limitations   
" 134."36
Exercises: Language Focus
Part IV Fill in the blanks with the given words.
accessible available extend explore interaction
opportunity restriction project register
1 Since China has entered the WTO 135. the ___ on foreign businesses will gradually be reduced.  
2 The Internet enables us to ___ the world without leaving home.  
3 The problem with some of these drugs is that they are so ___.  
4 The government has produced a series of materials to ___ public awareness of the dangers of AIDS.  
" 136."37
Within 2 weeks of arrival all foreigners should ___ with the local police.  
When he was offered the ___ to have an online degree program 137. he seized it immediately and enthusiastically. 
No restriction was put on the access to the BBS. Our purpose is to promote ___ between the students and the teachers.  
___ houses for a few weeks is a good way of having a holiday. 
The team members working on the ___ meet every Tuesday afternoon to exchange their views. 
" 138."38
10 All the materials collected for the research project on pollution are ___ to all the seniors at this college.
 1. restrictions   2. explore    3. accessible   
4. extend    5. register      6. opportunity  
7. interaction    8. Exchanging 9. project   
10. available  
" 139."39
Part V Complete the following sentences.
1. Can I ___ my laptop (笔记本) ___ the Intranet (内联网)?
2. He has planned for his eldest son to ___ his business when he is 65.
3. Knowledge is ___ an increasingly important ___ in the economic development.
4. ___ taking care of her 3-year-old son 140. she has taken 3 online courses in marketing 141. business communication and economics.
5. The practice of online learning ___ as more and more people have access to the Internet.
" 142."40
1. connect...to...    2.take over   
3. playing...role    4. In addition to   
5. will spread out   
" 143."41
Part IV Word Building
1. act _____ /_____ /_____ /_____
2. information _____ / _____ /_____/ _____
3. extend _____/ _____/ _____/ _____
4. predict _____/ _____/ _____/ _____
5. person _____/ _____/ _____/ _____
" 144."42
1. action / acting / activity / interaction / interactive  
2. inform / well-informed / informative/ informational  
3. extension / extensive / extend / extent 
4. prediction / predictable / predictive / predictor  
5. personal / personally / interpersonal / personalize / personalization     
" 145."43
Part VII Translation
1. 他的生活经历在他的学术生涯(academic career)中一直扮演着一个重要角色。(play a role in)
2. 那家餐厅最近已经延长了营业时间。(extend)
3. 我刚刚读完一本从一种新的视角研究莎士比亚(Shakespeare)的有趣的书。(approach)
4. 随着电子邮件的广泛应用,垃圾邮件(spam / junk email)问题已引人们的极大关注。(issue /problem 146. draw much concern)
5. 传统教育比起网络教育来对于学生和教师之间的交流和互动有着更多的限制。(communication and interaction 147. limitation)
" 148."44
1. His life experiences have always been playing an big role in his academic career.
2. The restaurant has recently extended its opening hours / business hours.
3. I've just read an interesting book which has a new approach to Shakespeare.
4. With the wide use of email 149. the issue of spam has drawn much concern.
5. In traditional education there are more limitations on communication and interaction between teachers and students than there are in online education.
" 150."45
Reading B: Warm Up
1. How can a person start over when his or her life is changed by unexpected events?
2. Why did Kelley McKee study for a degree when she already had a business certificate ? How did she hope to use what she learned?
" 151."46
Background information about the text:
Certificate A certificate offers a shorter course of study than a degree. Certificates can serve as steppingstones to a degree. A certificate typically requires at least 12 semester credits of coursework. With program faculty approval 152. credits completed in a certificate program may be used in a degree program.
" 153."47
Distance education Distance Education is instructional delivery that does not constrain the student to be physically present in the same location as the instructor. Historically 154. distance education meant correspondence study. Today 155. audio 156. video 157. and computer technologies are more common delivery modes.
" 158."48
Bachelor's degree Studying 4 years at a college or university 159. known as \"undergraduate\" education 160. will generally lead to the Bachelor's Degree.
Master's degree This is the degree a student gets after he studies beyond the 4 years of college. The MBA. 161. or Master of Business Administration 162. is an extremely popular degree that usually takes two years. Some Master's programs 163. such as journalism 164. only take one year. In such fields as history and philosophy 165. these degrees are considered stepping-stones toward a doctorate (Ph.D.).
" 166."49
Financial aid 167. disability service and vocational rehabilitation In the USA there are a number of state and federal laws that protect the equal rights of handicapped and disabled persons to education 168. employment 169. housing 170. etc. For example 171. classrooms and offices must be accessible to people with wheelchairs or crutches 172. so most of them have special ramps and elevators for this purpose.
" 173."50
Reading B: Para 1-4
Para 1: Kelley McKee of Steelton 174. Pennsylvania 175. never had any intentions of taking Distance Education courses. She had already obtained a certificate at a business school. She was married 176. had children and worked as a legal assistant. But her life changed forever when she broke her neck and became paralyzed. She was just 27 years old.
Para 2: Over time 177. Kelley has learned to move her fingers enough to use a computer and to get around daily with the help of a wheelchair. Although that progress is not enough to allow her to continue her previous career 178. other opportunities have opened up for her.
" 179."51
intention: a plan or purpose Examples: I‘ve no intention of changing my plans just to fit in with his. 我不打算只为适应他的计划而改变我的计划。 He’s full of good intentions but he never does anything about them. 他充满善意,但没有就他们的问题采取任何行动。
" 180."52
2. obtain: to get sth. esp. by asking for it 181. buying it 182. working for it or producing it from sth. else Examples: First edition of these books are now almost impossible to obtain. 这本书的初版几乎找不到了。 In the second experiment they obtained very clear result. 在第二个试验中,他们得到了非常清晰的结果。
" 183."53
3. Over time 184. Kelley has learned to move her fingers enough to use a computer and to get around daily with the help of a wheelchair. (Para 2) As time goes by 185. Kelly has learned to move her fingers enough to use a computer and move around in a wheelchair. 随着时间的推移,凯莉学会了移动手指并可以使用计算机,借助轮椅的帮助,她能够四处移动。
" 186."54
4. get around: move or travel from place to place or within a given place Examples:
With his good sense of direction he could quickly and easily get around in most new cities. 由于他方向感强,能在大多数新城市迅速、方便地走动。 It's hard to get around in some foreign cities if you don't know the language. 如果语言不通,在一些国外的城市你难以在各处走动。
" 187."55
5. previous: happening or existing before the one mentioned Examples: The previous owner of the house had an extension on the back. 房子的前任主人在房子的后面进行了扩建。 Training is provided 188. so no previous experience is required for the job. 这一工作提供培训,不需要工作经验。
" 189."56
6. open up: display 190. present 191. appear Examples: The chance meeting opened up new possibilities for me. 这次偶然的相遇为我开启了新的可能。 All sorts of possibilities began to open up. 各种可能开始出现。
" 192."57
Para 3: Kelley said 193. \"The accident changed my outlook on life 194. and I immediately looked to education since I had no degree.\" Most traditional programs did not allow her to balance her education with a growing family. Then 195. Kelley found Penn State Distance Education.
" 196."58
Para 4: “Distance Education is hard work 197. but my children make it all worthwhile. Even if for some reason I can't work after obtaining my degree 198. I will be an educated person 199. setting a good example for my children and having gained the knowledge that can help them in their future efforts. Distance Education has changed my life from tragedy to triumph 200.\" she said. “Distance Education affords me an opportunity to pursue my own goals and personal work. My education is separate from my issues regarding my disability or my family life and caring for my children.\"
" 201."59
7. Distance education is hard work 202. but my children make it all worthwhile. Distance education is hard work 203. but my love for my children makes me feel that the trouble I trouble I take and time spend are worthwhile. 远程学习是十分艰难的,但是我的孩子让这一切充满价值。
" 204."60
8. worthwhile: deserving the time 205. money 206. or energy given to it Examples: I‘d rather the money went to a worthwhile cause. 我宁愿这些钱用于一项值得一做的事业。 The time and expense involved in keeping up to date with all the changes has been worthwhile. 为跟上这种种变化所花费的时间和费用一直都是物有所值的。
" 207."61
9. pursue: to follow or search for (sb. or sth.) 208. in order to catch or kill; (fig.) to try to form a romantic relationship with Examples: He was killed by the driver of a stolen car who was being hotly pursued by the police. 他遇害于偷车贼的车轮之下,当时,偷车贼正遭到警方的追捕。 I don't think the idea is worth pursuing any further (= worth considering any more). 我认为这个想法不值得继续讨论。
" 209."62
10. My education is separate from my issues regarding my disability or my family life and caring for my children. (Para.4) My problems of disability 210. or my family life and caring for my children don't prevent me from having an online education. 我的教育和我的残疾,我的家庭生活的问题以及照顾我的孩子们等问题是分开的。
" 211."63
Reading B: Para 5-10
Para 5: Commenting on McKee's experience 212. Gary E. Miller 213. vice president for Distance Education and director of the World Campus 214. noted 215. \"Kelley's story is a wonderful reminder about the impact of Distance Education on the lives of our students who cannot meet their needs through traditional on-campus programs.\"
" 216."64
11. Commenting on…noted 217. “Kelley‘s story is a wonderful reminder about the impact of Distance Education on…” Talking about… said 218. “Kelley’s success makes us realize the great influence of distance education on… ” 对凯莉的经历,盖里·E·米勒……是这样评价的,“凯莉的情况是一个很好的例子,她告诉我们……远程教育对他们的生活有很大的影响。\"
" 219."65
12. comment: 1) v. to express an opinion Examples: She declined to comment on the matter. 她拒绝就此事加以评论。 She was just commenting that people were getting married later nowadays. 她刚才说,人们现在结婚比以前晚了。          
" 220."66
2) n. an opinion Examples: I suppose his criticism was fair comment. 我认为他的批评是公平的(意见)。
She was asked about a pay increase for the factory workers 221. but made no comment.     
" 222."67
13. note: v. to mention sth. because it is important or interesting Examples:
The report noted a complete disregard for the safety regulations. 报告指出,安全规章被完全忽视了。 He said the weather was beyond our control 223. noting that last summer was one of the hottest on record. 他说我们对天气无能为力,并提到去年夏天曾是历史上最热的。
" 224."68
Para 6: Jane Ireland 225. academic advisor for Distance Education and the World Campus 226. added: \"Kelley reminds us of the mission we have in Distance Education--to bring a quality education and experience to students regardless of their geographic vocation or life circumstances. Kelley is a wonderful example for us of the great effect we have on the lives of a great many students who truly need access to education.\"
" 227."69
14. …to bring a quality education and experience to students regardless of their geographic location or life circumstances ...to offer excellent education to the students without considering where the students are or whether they are rich or poor. 无论学生的地理位置和生活状况如何,我们应该为他们提供高质量的教育和经历。
" 228."70
15. circumstance: (plural) the conditions that affect a situation 229. action 230. event 231. etc. Examples: Under/In no circumstances are you to leave the house. 无论如何你得离开这房子。 The meeting has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control. 由于我们无法控制的因素,会议被取消了。
" 232."71
Para 7: Kelley is a successful student 233. carrying credits each semester. She plans to complete her bachelor's degree in letters 234. arts 235. and sciences 236. then continue on to obtain an online master's degree.
Para 8: After graduation 237. McKee hopes to work with injured or disabled individuals 238. possibly in counseling in a rehabilitation setting. Jane Ireland has no doubt Kelley will achieve her goals.
" 239."72
16. Kelley is a successful student 240. carrying 12 credits each semester. Kelly is a successful student 241. learning courses for 12 credits each semester. 凯莉是一个成功的学生, 她每个学期都修12个学分。
" 242."73
Para 9: Kelley is thankful to her outstanding instructors and a number of student support services 243. including financial aid 244. disability services and vocational rehabilitation. Many of these faculty and staff 245. however 246. say that it is Kelley McKee who has been outstanding.
Para 10: Susan Waitkus 247. instructor in English at Penn State's DuBois Campus 248. stated 249. “Kelley inspires not only other students 250. but also faculty fortunate enough to know her. She reminds us how privileged we are to teach.\"
" 251."74
Exercises: Content Awareness
Part 11 Complete the following statements based on the information from the passage.
Kelly McKee didn't think of taking Distance Education courses because__________.  A) taking Distance Education courses was a lot of work B) she was satisfied with her previous education C) there was nothing she particularly wanted to learn D) she had a suitable education for her previous career
" 252."75
Kelley's life was changed so much by the accident that she ________.  A) needed constant help in daily life B) couldn't live without her doctor's help C) needed to use a wheelchair D) had to hire a person to take care of her
" 253."76
Kelley didn't choose traditional education because ________.   A) she didn't like it B) her family needed her at home C) it wouldn't take married students D) she was disabled
" 254."77
Distance Education was of great importance to Kelly because ________.   A) She could become a better educated person B) She could set a good example to her children and help them C) She could have other opportunities to work and achieve her goals D) All of the above
" 255."78
According to the academic advisors for Distance Education 256. their mission is ________.   A) to help any student who cannot go to the campus to have quality education B) to provide the students with the best education they can offer on the campus C) to bring education to a great geographic distance using modern technology D) to help disabled students who cannot otherwise have their education
" 257."79
Part 12 Fill in the blanks.
Kelley had a family and a job 258. and didn’t have the 1___ to take Distance Education. But an 2___ reduced her to a life on a wheelchair 259. but one with a new 3___. She began to have a Distance Education for a 4___. Distance Education could allow her to 5___ her learning with her family. Though it was hard work 260. she thought it was worthwhile. With more knowledge 261. she could at least be a good 6___ and a better helper for her kids. Distance Education gave her an opportunity to 7___ her
" 262."80
own goal and personal work. She hoped to work with injured or 8___ people after she got a master’s degree. Kelley’s success in study is a wonderful example of the 9___ distance education has and has 10___ her teachers and those people who had the same problem with her.
1 intention   2 accident  3 outlook  4 degree  
5 balance 6 example   7 pursue   8 disabled
9 effect   10 inspired
" 263."81
Exercises: Language Focus
Part 13 Fill in the blanks with given words.
pursue  circumstance comment inspire note
impact obtain  worthwhile career counsel
If you want to post this article on your website 264. you must ___ a written permission from the author.  
The official refused to ___ on the matter before he was authorized (授权) to deal with the problem. 
Online learning makes a great ___ on the traditional classroom. 
" 265."82
4. In no ___ can the students hand in their assignments via email after Friday. 
5. It would be wrong to ___ the development of industry at the cost of polluting environment. 
6. A good education at a prestigious university often leads to a high-level ___ at a big company. 
7. Professor Stephen Hawking's disability and academic achievements many ___ young people to study hard. 
8. She likes being with young people and considers teaching a ___ career. 
" 266."83
9. The college is now providing a service to ___ students with financial (财政) problems. 
10. The young computer expert ___ the importance of the rapidly developing information industry in his speech. 
1.obtain   2.comment   3.impact    4.circumstance  
5.pursue 6.career    7.inspire    8.worthwhile
9.counsel   10.notes  
" 267."84
Part 14 Complete the following sentences.
Rome was not built in one day. We must ___ our study our rest.
Your story ___ me my childhood spent in a little town.
She knows how to ___ the city quite a lot 268. working for the taxi company.
As he hasn't made any promise to do anything for us 269. all sorts of possibilities may ___.
Our university has an excellent ___. Many of them play an important role in helping students to cope with their stress during their university careers.
" 270."85
1.balance...with    2.reminded... of   
3.get around    4.open up   
5.faculty and staff   
" 271."86
Part 15 Translation
谁是谁非昭然若揭,吉姆无意和他争论。(have a intention of doing / to do)
令人惊讶的是,那次与威尔逊教授的偶然相识(chance meeting),后来居然给了我一个机会去他们学校作交流生(exchange student)。(afford an opportunity)
学校将延长图书馆和教室的开放时间,尽量满足学生的需要。(meet the needs)
" 272."87
4. 信息技术的发展已经开始对社会生活的各个方面(aspect)产生深远的(profound)影响。(have effect on)
5. 凭他的英语水平,在这次校级(university-wide)英语演讲比赛中他将有上佳的表现,对此我们没有疑问。(have no doubt)
" 273."88
Reference Answers:
Jim had no intention of arguing / to argue with him 274. since it's obvious who was right and who was wrong.
To my surprise 275. it was the chance meeting with Prof. Wilson that later on afforded me an opportunity to study at his university as an exchange student.
Our university will extend the opening hours of the library and the classrooms to meet the students' needs at the highest possible level.
" 276."89
4. The development of information technology has begun to have profound effects on all aspects of social life.
5. We have no doubt that 277. with his high level of English 278. he will surely have an excellent performance in the university-wide English speech contest.
" 279."90
Part 17 Fill in blanks with articles.
Do you have experience with online classes? I must admit at first I found online classes quite uncomfortable! Although I used 1___ computer every day 280. I didn't get used to chatting for 2___ long time. So when I took part in 3___ group's scheduled weekly chats 281. I had 4___ hard time keeping up. By 5___ time I'd finished typing in my responses 282. I'd missed about 6___ dozen comments. And by 7___ time I'd answered 8___ question 283. we were already on to 9___ third topic. To solve the problem 284. I decided to write down the main points of the topics for 10___ coming weekly chat and
" 285."91
preview 11___ lessons. This is where I began to see 12___ real help of the online environment. I was able to log in any time of day or night to review 13___ homework 286. to see other students' comments 287. or to add my own comments to 14___ week's lecture. Most of the students in our study group were from other cities or even other countries. Their different views certainly made 15___ class interesting! Overall 288. I found the class enjoyable and I felt I learned a lot.
1. a   2. a   3. the   4. a   5. the   6. a  
7. the   8. a   9. a   10. the 11. the 12. the
13. the  14. the  15. the
